What are the characteristics of antegrade cannulae
 May 22, 2023|View:1656

Antegrade cannulaes are medical devices used to deliver cardioplegia solution to the heart during cardiac surgery. They are inserted into the ascending aorta and allow for the delivery of cardioplegia solution directly into the coronary arteries. This helps to arrest the heart and protect it from ischemia during surgery.

Antegrade cannulaes are typically made of stainless steel or plastic and have a variety of features to ensure proper delivery of cardioplegia solution. These features may include:

A tapered tip to help prevent damage to the aortic valve

A side port for venting air from the aorta

A Luer-Lok connection for easy attachment to a cardioplegia delivery system

Antegrade cannulae

Antegrade cannulae are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate different patient anatomies. They are an essential tool for cardiac surgeons and help to ensure the safe and effective delivery of cardioplegia solution during cardiac surgery.

Here are some of the characteristics of antegrade cannulae:

They are inserted into the ascending aorta.

They allow for the delivery of cardioplegia solution directly into the coronary arteries.

They help to arrest the heart and protect it from ischemia during surgery.

They are typically made of stainless steel or plastic.

They may have a tapered tip, a side port for venting air, and a Luer-Lok connection.

They are available in a variety of sizes.

They are an essential tool for cardiac surgeons.

KangXin Medical is a manufacturer of antegrade cannulaes, and we have many years of experience in producing and selling antegrade cannulaes. At present, our production of antegrade cannulaes is not only of good quality but also at a low price. If you need them, welcome to consult!

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